Falling in love is a bit of a sickness because we go insane, but if that insanity lasts for a long time and you can’t find your inner compass, then I think that’s a sign it isn’t in balance. And if this imbalance goes on and is laced with control + jealousy, then is it, […]
Is Criticism Killing Your Relationship?
Why can’t you do this right? Why did you not do this? Why do you always/never do something? Criticism in relationships occurs when we focus on our partner’s flaws and pass judgment. It is expressed through disapproving, critiquing, correcting, blaming, nitpicking, or fixing. Constant criticism is not constructive, encouraging, or inspiring. First, Let’s review some examples of […]
Stop being defensive in your relationship!
Stop being defensive in your relationship! Have you ever been in a discussion with someone and registered a complaint? Like you didn’t take out the trash like you were supposed to, and then they whip out a piece of paper as long as a CVS rewards receipt and begin reading off all the things you’ve […]
Stonewalling: Stop this before it ruins your relationship.
You’re talking to your partner about an emotional topic, and you can feel the energy rising between the both of you, then boom. Your partner throws up a wall completely made of stone. It’s not something you can see, but you can feel it. You continue to talk, and your words bounce against the wall […]
How To Stop Drama From Ruining Your Relationship
Are you stuck in a drama dance? Drama, it’s why we sink ourselves in a comfy couch and binge the newest Netflix series. It’s why many of us are such huge Bachelor Fans. “This promises to be the most dramatic season yet.” It’s why many of us love reality tv shows and social media; […]
How To Stop Score Keeping in Your Relationship and Play
on The Same Team Score keeping or going “tit for tat” is damaging for your relationship! You can dramatically improve your relationship by playing on the same team! Couples who have been married for 50+ state the secret to happy relationship is playing on the same team. When two people in a relationship think […]
relationship Fears Suck
Silent Expectations in Relationships
Are you trying to help your partner or change them?
Are you trying to help a loved one or just simply trying to change who they are? Let’s talk about it! The first question to ask is about the intention: What is your intention behind wanting to shift this other person’s energy? When you are helping another, there is no direct benefit to you; you’re […]